I think I got blogger tagged. The reason I say "I think" is because I am not quite sure if I am the right "Greg" that was supposedly tagged. I am sure this is very confusing for you, so let me esplain... no, it's too much. Let me sum up.
Evidently somewhere someone started this thing called blogger tag with the following rules.
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
4. You may need to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged and to read your blog.
Well, you see - here's the rub. I was reading Drew's blog and he was talking about being tagged. He listed his 8 random things and then listed some names at the bottom. One of the names was "Greg". Is that me? I'm not quite sure. How many Gregs does he know? I could call or email I suppose, but that could be awkward don't you think? If it wasn't me? "Hey, are you talking about me at the end of your blog?" Answer - "Well... um... sure."
Remember when you were in school and someone waved at you and you waved back only to realize they were really waving at the person behind you?
Yea, that feeling.
Well, enough of this. Whether or not I am the "Greg" in question, I am in the game. Here are my 8 random things.
1. I am not as boring as everyone thinks I am.
2. I am fascinated by the art of things. The art of food; the art of furniture design, the art of communication through paint or pencil or the written word; the art of preaching.
3. I can't operate in clutter, but I also can't seem to keep things organized. It's a vicious cycle. I usually end up "piling". I put all the clutter in one big pile which makes the rest of the room look nice and clean.
Raiders of the Lost Ark is still my favorite movie
5. I really like
Lost but I was bummed that they killed off Mr. Echo. He was my favorite.
6. I don't know what I am doing. I am a husband, father and pastor of a church. Usually I feel like I am just making it up as I go.
7. I have decided to audition for
American Idol. Just kidding. Actually, I do wish I had more singing and/or musical ability. I love music. I feel like I am a musician trapped in a non-musical body.
8. The wind in Kansas is about to drive me batty. It... just ... never... stops... blowing.
Here's the people I tag:
Jenna, Ashley Nicole, Stephen, Greg L, Ross (It's time, bro. You need to start your blog. This could be your first post), Matt.
Notice I didn't mention any last names. Why should I be the only one living in ambiguity?