Monday, December 31, 2007

a new Bible for a new year

I love new Bibles.

When I study my Bible I usually do so with a pen in hand. I am not one of those who abstains from writing in their Bible. I write all over mine. It helps me study. I feel like I am more engaged with the text when I can underline and circle and make arrows and write notes in the margin. I am not one of those, however, who likes to read my old notes and observations.

The Bible really is living and active. I am impacted by different things at different times. What impacted me a year ago might not be what impacts me today.

I like starting with clean pages.

I read several years ago how Billy Graham used to go through a Bible a year. He would write all over his Bibles and completely use them up. Then, he would give them to his kids and grand kids. I thought that sounded so great. So, a few years ago I endeavored to do the same thing as Billy. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up with his pace. But, I am ready now for a new Bible.

My Bible has been pretty well filled up for the last few months. Not a lot of clean left. But, getting a new Bible is not as easy as it sounds. I have been wanting one with a cool cover - you know, the ones with the two-toned look and the great feeling leather. The problem is, I have only been able to find those cool covers on KJV, NIV and NLT translations. Those are all great translations, but I prefer the New American Standard (NASB). I think that the NASB people must be pretty boring because while you could get NIV Bibles with Gator skin covers and stainless steel - stuff like that - all you could find for NASB was the same old "Bonded Leather" in burgundy or black. Which is fine... don't get me wrong. It's just not very, you know... cool.

All that changed today. I found a great new Bible. It's NASB with Italian two-toned leather (black and coach brown). It feels so good in your hand -you just want to hold it - which is a great thing for a Bible.

I feel like it's a great challenge to start a new Bible. All those clean pages. I am looking forward to my meeting times with God on the pages of that book. I hope also - that you as well will enjoy great meeting times with God in 2008. May He bless you richly with His Word.

Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Desperate Times

We have a single dad neighbor across the street. He has two kids. We love them all; it has been great to get to know them. Last night, the dad calls me at about 10:30pm and asks, "Um... would you happen to have 13 packets of hot cocoa mix?" I don't think I have ever been asked that question before. His son had just informed him that he was responsible for providing hot cocoa for his whole class - some Christmas shindig. I told him that unfortunately, we did not have 13 packets, but we did have half a family sized "Swiss Miss" can. He said, "Well... um... could I... let's see, what's the word?" "Have it?", I said. "Yeah, that's it".

Desperate times.

This morning our pastor of Students ministries has been out preparing for some big youth Christmas thing tonight. He called me and asked, "Um... would you or your family happen to have an elf suit?"

I don't think I have ever been asked that question either.

I told him that when the government came and collected every one's elf suits, we had to give ours up. It was old and well used anyway - he probably wouldn't have liked it.

Desperate times call for desperate questions.

Tis the season, I guess.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

We have a tradition in the Holmes household. We cut down our own Christmas tree which we decorate while listening to Christmas music and feasting on Chinese takeout. It's the same every year. My middle daughter has informed me that it is her favorite part of Christmas.

Picking out a good tree from a Christmas tree farm is kind of an art. If you are too picky you can easily find yourself 200 yards away from the truck once you find the perfect tree. That smug grin of satisfaction can quickly be replaced with, "What was I thinking?" on the long journey back. Nevertheless, it is a fun tradition that my girls look forward to every year.

Well, yesterday was the big Christmas tree day for us, and I have to tell ya - it was a bit of a let down. Christmas tree farms are becoming more and more rare, we are coming to find out. The one that we have gone to for the last 2 years is no longer selling trees. The state will now be using that land to widen a highway. It's too bad because it was really the only decent tree farm around here.

So... we went to Wal Mart.

Which is totally not the same.

All the trees were still wrapped up. Have you ever seen those trucks hauling Christmas trees - and they are all wrapped up tight? They look like closed patio umbrellas. It's kind of hard to pick out a good one.

They were all short, too - which was disappointing.

So, we bought one of those trees and brought it home. I cut the rope which was binding it tight, and... nothing happened. It stayed in the same shape. I brought it inside and stuck it in the tree stand. It was really sad. The widest part of the tree was about 12 inches in diameter. No kidding. "I think we are going to have too many ornaments" one of my daughters tells me.

It took a while for the tree to plump up. It looks ok now. It's a little short for our taste - but it's not too bad.

The Chinese food was excellent, though. So, all was not lost.