Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Check out this awsomeness

This is the roaster we're getting. Ours will be red instead of yellow - which is even better.


Steve said...

So do you deliver?
I would like a venti french press of your favorite roast.
Please deliver ASAP!
I need coffee!

Kristen said...

It looks like something that should belong in Mr. Wonka's factory. haha!

Annalisa said...

Ooh, shiny.

The Bullhorn said...

Let me know when the website appears. I need to order some.

Mama Gail said...

May I suggest that any of your readers who would like a short summary review of your involvement with coffee, click on COFFEE under "Labels" on your blog? You'll get Greg Holmes personal "Coffee Chronicles" - interesting reading. As for the roaster - COOL!

Erika said...

So glad it'll be red.