Saturday, March 28, 2009

Of fathers and daughters

Life has been pretty crazy around the Holmes' household for quite a while now. I have been so consumed with moving and settling into a new city, a new house and starting a new business that it is easy to lose focus on things that really matter. Through all the craziness, I think each of my daughters have grown about an inch.

I feel like I have missed it.

I turned around and said, "When did this happen? When did you get so tall?" I have been so wrapped up in all my own stuff, my daughters have gone about their business of getting older - without me.

Following the advice of a dear friend I took Abby (my oldest) to a "Fathers and Daughters Summit" today. These summits are put on by the National Center for Fathering. It was well done. I am so glad I went. How refreshing to be in the same room with 400 other fathers and daughters who desire a good relationship with each other.

To be quite honest, I was not super excited about going. I had a ton to do today - none of which got done. I had some great conversations with Abby though - conversations that were long overdue. It was a great day.

Emma - you're next.


Ross Bryant said...

Let me know how that works out for you. Sounds intriguing.

Ray and Janell said...

Greg, I have taken in the NCF summits before. I agree, they are quite good. But, what I learned all those years ago from those Father/Daughter seminars was this: I don't need to (and shouldn't) wait for a special summit. I can (and do) make these types of things happen regularly on my own on. You are creative enough. You have what it takes to more than replicate meaningful times with your girls. Start now. My kids have found these "dates" and special weekends away far more meaningful and the more formal summit settings.

Greg said...
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Greg said...

Ray. Thanks for the encouragment. I have been diligent in the past with daddy/daughter dates and memory making activities. In the past. Life has kind of taken over and my daughters have ended up spending too much time in the backseat of my life. This weekend has helped to recalibrate my priorities. New commitments have been made. I need to once again do what is needed do create those moments and memories. Any creative suggestions would be welcome.

Mama Gail said...

I love the picture of you & Abby together. You're a great father as always, just one who has been though an awful lot in the last few months.

Ray and Janell said...

Greg, I have enough examples and ideas to share I could write a small book. Hmmm ... maybe I will one day. Anway, call or e-mail me sometime. Some of the best stuff are "surprises" and if your oldest reads your blog ... well, there goes the surprise. Almost everything can be done really inexpensively. My kids, 21, 18 & 16 have really loved these experiences.

Father And Daughter Alliance said...

I'm so glad your day was rewarding! I love the picture of you and your daughter with the rose you presented to her. I hope the tools you gained to reach this Summit experience will equip you for many more summits along the way. Blessings to both of you.

Lucy Bloom
Director, Father-Daughter Summit