Friday, April 18, 2008

Dad, we have to keep reading

I feel a bit like a blog flunky. I tell my friends and family that I have a blog and then promise to keep it updated with info about me and the family - and then I just sort of... run out of things to say. If you have checked this blog over the last few weeks, thanks. Sorry I have been so lazy.

I did actually write a post on tax day - three days ago. It was a rather negative post, however, because of the amount we owed in taxes. I didn't end up publishing it - which is probably best.

It is now Friday afternoon and I feel much better than I did on tax day. I thought I would write about something much more pleasant.

A couple of months ago I mentioned that I was reading aloud the Lord of the Rings series to my oldest daughter. We are still going at it. She is enjoying the story a lot - I am enjoying the one-on-one time I get to spend with her. It's been great.

I went home for lunch today and read some more. We just finished "book 5" which is in the middle of "The Return of the King". If it has been a while since you have read those books, "book 5" ends with the suicidal assault on Mordor. The last scene has Pippen hearing eagles right before he blacks out because of the troll which just fell on top of him.

Here is the conversation between Abby and me after we finished the chapter.

Abby: Dad, we have to keep reading.
Me: I have to go back to work.
Abby: But... DAD!?
Me: Sweetie, I have to go back to the office.
Abby: Is Pippen dead?
Me: I can't tell you that.
Abby: But, Dad... we have to keep reading.
Me: Abby, I can't.
Abby: What's the next chapter called?
Me: The Tower of Cirith Ungol
Abby: Is it about Frodo?
Me: I can't tell you that.
Abby: DAD!?!

I love it.


Ray and Janell said...

yep ... i checked it. wish i could have read your post on tax day before you decided to delete it. :-)

Mama Gail said...

One question: Have you been working on making your Gollum voice more menacing? Or do you have Abby read those parts aloud to you? Her Gollum voice nailed it last time I heard it. Seriously, I love that you are reading these books with her.

PS: Our debt owed to Uncle Sam on 4/15 was pretty depressing too.

Beverly said...

I loved reading this post. What a wonderful picture of the two of you sharing LOTR and getting so close to the end. I don't blame Abby one bit!

I had never read all three books until Joel and I read them aloud together ten years ago around this time. I look forward to when Henry is old enough for the three of us to read them together.

I have to commiserate a little bit about the taxes. This is our first year filing a joint return with TWO self-employed incomes: my housing allowance and Joel's earnings from our computer business. Yikes!!!@!! It's enough to write more than one unpublished blog entry. Especially for people like Joel and me, who uh...don't do well with quarterly withholding. But life goes on. And there's always that ol' "economic stimulus package"...