I am super pumped about the Olympics. I will be watching way too much television over the next couple of weeks. Kelly and I are already trying to figure out how we are going to handle the appearance of hypocrisy in front of our kids. We have made very clear to our children that if you watch too much TV, your brain turns into mashed potatoes. I am calling for a special dispensation at Olympic time. It is perfectly fine to zone out in front of the tube for the next two weeks - as long as you are watching a sport that you only get to see during the Olympics.
Which kind of brings up a beef that I have - not with the Olympics, but with Olympic coverage. I want to see the obscure stuff - rowing, badminton, fencing, ping pong - that kind of stuff. The problem is - NBC would rather show a gymnast eating dinner than a badminton match. My feeling is there are opportunities to see gymnastics throughout the year. If you watch Sunday afternoon sports regularly you'll know that the World Championships, the Olympic Trials along with other gymnastic competitions are indeed televised. I would just as soon they not show anything but the highlights of gymnastics. There is so much other cool stuff to watch. Show me the drama in the Taekwondo ring. (I don't even know the rules of Taekwondo - what a great time to learn). What are the odds that I will be able to catch some good archery competition, or kayaking, or handball? Probably not very good. Now, granted, I know nothing of those sports. They might be very boring to watch. But, the job of the network is to make me excited about it. They are missing a golden opportunity. There are only a couple of times every decade when I am willing to devote hours to watching and learning about a sport that I care nothing about. You get the Olympic spirit and find yourself cheering on athletes you have never heard of from countries you have never visited playing sports you don't understand. Isn't that great?
It remains to be seen if NBC will capitalize on their opportunity or if they will just show non-stop swimming, gymnastics and track and field.
From their perspective it probably doesn't much matter. I am going to watch anyway.
If it helps you can tell them they're making up for Joey's and my grotesque lack of Olympics watching over the next week while we're on vaca. HAPPY OLYMPICS!
Is it un-worldly of me to admit that I don't care about the Olympics? I know I am probably the only one in the world that does not follow the games with any interest but they just don't hold any excitement for me.
Oh, I enjoy watching a little but it's not big deal if I miss something.
I know this is probably bad to admit in the presence of two of the most fanatical Olympic watchers I know but there it is...I am a heathen.
BUT I do take inspiration from your two families' wonderful self control when it comes to watching tv!
I think it's just possible that some of the sports don't get covered because they aren't easily marketed (no cute girls or sleek, bare-chested men). But I'd love to see more fencing, shooting, riding, and wrestling. Alas, such are too barbaric for NBC...
I think you are probably right. NBC never likes to show barbaric things. Network TV doesn't really like violence.
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