Friday, May 22, 2009


Today is my anniversary. Well, not just mine. It's Kelly's anniversary too. 16 years ago we said "I do" to each other - having very little idea of what would be in store for us.

Very little idea.

Kelly is an amazing woman. She has been through an awful lot being married to me. Being a pastor's wife for 10 years is a difficult thing to do. She filled that role with grace and humor and humility. Now - we get to experience the joys of starting a new business... together. And while it is great to be working together, it's stressful too. Communication becomes quite delicate - finding the line between business and personal - the important and the vitally important. It's not all easy. We are both being stretched in new areas - growing - learning. God continues to teach us thing that we didn't know we needed to learn.

She has been through a lot being married to me.

And I love her dearly.

It's probably best that we didn't know what was coming 16 ago. It's probably best that way.

Much has not turned out the way we planned. But, as my journey has twisted and turned, God has not seen fit to leave me alone. He gave me a teammate - someone to complete me, sustain me, thrill me, encourage me, make me laugh, and make me feel loved. I hope she doesn't feel too jipped. I made out a lot better in this deal that she did.

16 years of the unexpected. The adventure continues.

16 years... and counting.


Kelly said...

I love you, Honey. It's an honor to be your wife for 16 years and counting.

Erika said...

Can't believe it's been 16 years! Kelly kindly shared with me her fond memories of me being her 12-year-old maid of honor with rubber bands on my braces in blue-chosen to match my bridesmaid dress. Glad that particular memory is fond for SOMEONE! : )

Greg said...

Congratulations! 16 years is a wonderful milestone! I also have been praying for the business as well! I hope it is starting to percolate! (a little coffe humor...I know...VERY LITTLE! :-))
We miss you all and continue to pray for you...