I just watched the session finale of LOST last night. Here are my predictions:
If you are not up on Lost - and/or have not yet seen this season's finale, don't read.
1. Next season will begin with the original Oceanic flight taking off from Australia and safely landing in L.A. Everyone will then find themselves back on the Island through some other means. It's fate after all.
2. The Island will turn out to be a modern version of Mount Olympus - where real versions of Greek Mythological gods live (Jacob being one). Like Greek gods, these characters are quite fallible, powerful but not supreme, and quite willing to put on disguises and interact with humans. Also - like Greek gods there are different characters with different attributes and degrees of specialness.
(I am not sure why Jacob has been drawing people to the Island for so many years - at least back to the time of the Black Rock. He wants the Island to be found by certain people. Don't know why.)
3. Richard will turn out to be one of the crew of the Black Rock. He was given some divine attributes by Jacob (which is why he doesn't age).
4. When those on the island face ultimate judgement, they stand before Jacob as he takes the form of black smoke.
5. All the characters, all the players who have had a role on that Island at any time will turn out to be pawns in a divine "chess match" between those two dudes at the beginning of the season finale. Ultimately, the entire story of LOST - all six seasons (or however many seasons it is) will all be about those 2 men. Everyone else is simply doing their bidding.
Once the "pawns" realize what's going on they will rise up and kill their "gods". It appears that Jacob may already be dead. One down, one to go.
Not bad.
Divine attributes would certainly explain some of the mysteries, but so would supernatural attributes from some other origin — Paul thinks one possibility is they're extra-terrestrial.
But then, it could all center on the island having been "created" as some sort of time portal and merely stumbled upon by the black rock crew.
It'll definitely be interesting to see how next season starts.
I have no theories at all, but I'm just really sad about Juliet.
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