Here are a few quotes from one of the books I am working through,
The Externally Focused Church by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson.

"We don't know of any churches that claim to be internally focused, but they exist all the same. Internally focused churches concentrate on getting people into the church and generating activity there. These churches may create powerful worship experiences, excel in teaching, offer thriving youth programs, and have vibrant small groups, but at the end of the day, what is measured is the number of people and activities within the church. These are good churches filled with good people. And, what they do is vital but not sufficient for a healthy church. Worship, teaching, and personal devotions are absolutely necessary for building the internal capacity to sustain an external focus, but if all the human and financial resources are expended inside the four walls of the church, then no matter how "spiritual" things may appear to be, something is missing." (p.16)
Discussing Matthew 25:35-46 ("for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat... Lord, when did we see you hungry...?)
"Then Jesus replies, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." It is not those to whom we minister who meet Jesus in a ministry encounter; it is the ones who are doing the ministering! We're not Jesus to them. They are Jesus to us!... Mother Teresa described her ministry strategy as going out and looking for the dying, the cripple, the lonely, the unwanted, the unloved - "Jesus in disguise." Are we willing to find him?" (p.66)
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