Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Coffee Expert

Up until recently I was the resident coffee expert in the family. That is, until my wife became a bonifide "barista".

Kelly took a job at our favorite hang out in town, called "Lincoln Perk". It's a pretty cool place - good coffee, espresso drinks, panini sandwiches - they even sell "gelato" (a special kind of ice cream). Kelly will be working very part-time, but she hopes it will allow her to get some much needed adult interaction every week, help her meet people outside of our church and bring in a little extra money for fun stuff as a family. She is enjoying her new job. I am very happy for her.

Only one problem - I am not sure how I feel about her being the new coffee expert around here. She was telling me the other day about the technique difference between steaming milk for a latte and frothing milk for a cappuccino. News to me. It made me feel kind of strange.

I feel like I need to hand over my frothing pitcher and espresso cups to the new sheriff in town.

That's ok - I guess. I still have my grill. I am still the king around here when it comes to grilling burgers and steaks.

That is - until Kelly decides to learn how to do that too.


Greg said...

Don't worry, Honey! I have no desire to usurp "Grill King." You are a stud...

Kelly said...

Okay, that comment was from me, Kelly, your wife. Didn't realize I was still logged on as you... Anyway, you understand, I'm sure.

Greg said...

As long as they keep serving "Fuze" I'm good!

Erika said...

Yes, but does Kelly roast coffee beans? I still tell people about my sister's husband who roasts his own blend.

Mama Gail said...

Hey, you can make me a latte or a cappuccino anytime and I agree with Erika - stand your ground when it comes to the bean roaster (ok, I know what it really is, but you know what I mean.)

By the way, I'm a little concerned that my eldest daughter seems to be developing a habit of posting under male pseudonyms. One of us should probably talk to her about that.

tie.crawler said...

Slightly related -

Link on homemade coffe roasters

tie.crawler said...

Sorry, that was too long. Try this one: