I was talking to John (our new pastor of student ministries) the other day about blogs and whatnot. He thought it would be cool to have a section or theme on a blog just concerning phobias. John has some pretty cool phobias - up near the top are tornadoes. He is deathly afraid of tornadoes - which is actually quite understandable to be deathly afraid of something that could in fact kill you. But, in order to deal with his phobia - he decided to face it head on. He became a storm chaser. Isn't that great!? If I had a real and genuine phobia of tornadoes I would not become a storm chaser, and I certainly wouldn't be living in Kansas. I guess I am just a wimp.
So, to steal from John's idea, here are my top phobias. (Actually, I will probably just write about one now. I'll write about others in future posts.)
Phobia #1 - Water. This is without question at the top of the list. But, when I say water, I don't mean water in a glass or water in a shower. I mean large bodies of deep and deadly water. I don't mind looking at lakes or oceans - just so long as I don't have to get in the water or be over the water in a boat. I pretty much keep my distance whenever possible - just enjoy the view from terra firma - know what I mean? This fear is probably due to the fact that I didn't learn to swim until I was a teenager. As a child, I had one too many occasions when I legitimately thought I was going to drown simply because I was in water that was 6 inches too deep. After swallowing a lot of pool water as a kid, I finally swallowed my pride (as a jr. high student) and took basic swimming with all the 6 yr olds through our rec. department. We learned how to stick our face in the water - blow bubbles - kick and make splashes while holding on to the side of the pool - stuff like that. I did eventually learn how to swim, but I rarely look for the chance to do it.
Did you see the movie "Unbreakable" with Bruce Willis? There is a scene near the end when the main character falls into a pool that has a pool cover on it. He gets tangled and wrapped up in the cover UNDER WATER! I get the heebeegeebees just thinking about it. Water is the stuff my nightmares are made of.
But, unlike John, I have no desire to "face my fears head on" by becoming a rescue swimmer or deep sea diver or something like that. Nope. Not me.
I thought your greatest fear was being stranded by a blizzard in Center Point Iowa for a week with only one restaurant open: Joensy's. All you could eat for a week was Pork Tenderloin sandwiches.
Oh. I forgot about that one. That would be scary. Nothing but tenderloin sandwiches for a week - yuck.
I remember those tenderloin sandwiches - they were pretty scarey. I also remember good Iowa pork from visits to my Uncle Leo's farm as a little girl. It was nothing like that flat dry stuff they serve at Jonesy's.
Greg, water is also my #1 phobia. Rick says he has never seen pure terror on anyone's face like the time he & a friend threw me out of a boat with water skis strapped to my feet. I was trying to be brave, but I wasn't fooling anyone. Rick took pity and hauled me back in the boat with no further urging to try water-skiing. Yikes, water under my feet - water over my head - it's the stuff of nightmares!
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