Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hello, my name is Fun Dad, and I am here to help you.

This past weekend Kelly took our oldest daughter to Kansas City for a sort of "coming of age" weekend. They went through some material produced by Family Life Ministries called "Passport to Purity". They had a lot of things to talk about. They had some great conversations. But, Kelly also made the weekend special by going to some fun places and eating at cool restaurants. They had a great weekend.

I held down the fort with Emma and Grace.

This was the first weekend that I could remember when I was in charge of the kids without Kelly around. Emma looked at me on Saturday morning and said, "So, what are we going to do?" I hadn't really thought about that.

Emma started feeling pretty left out and a bit sorry for herself that her big sister was having this great weekend with mom and she was stuck at home with dad. I can't say that I blame her. I would much rather spend the weekend with Kelly than with me.

I then decided to be "fun dad" for the weekend (instead of "boring dad" - which is a role I feel more comfortable in). We went to the store and bought food for the weekend - whatever happened to look good at the time (pastries, stuff for french toast, cokes, etc.). We went to a cool store that sells stuff from all over the world and we banged on some bongo drums. We rented and watched a movie. We had friends over to play Settlers of Katan. We went out for ice cream.

All and all we had a pretty good weekend at home. Way too many sweets though. Blech. My stomach is still not feeling very happy with me.

I am glad I don't have to be "fun dad" every weekend.


Jenna said...

Sounds like you had fun! Well, except for the part about Settlers of Boring oh, wait, I mean Catan. Man, I hate that game. I've never genuinely won once and I've played it about 100 times.

Joey, on the other hand, likes it very much. But then he wins a lot.

Mama Gail said...

I knew you had it in you. Hey, I saw you play Polly Pockets once!

Anonymous said...

Nice touch with the Settlers, Greg. Did the girls play that with you? Impressive.

Dare I mention there is an online version?