Saturday, January 19, 2008

Just what I need... another hobby.

I am not lacking extra curricular activities. In my past I have pursued drawing, painting and ceramics. More recently I have focused my attention on woodworking, gardening and home coffee roasting.

Now I am into bread.

A year or so ago I read Peter Reinharts book The Bread Baker's Apprentice. I was inspired, but overwhelmed. It's definitely the advanced class. And, I knew nothing about making bread. Well, this past Christmas my parents bought us a grain mill (since we are in Kansas, and there is plenty of wheat around here). Kelly also bought me Reinhart's latest book Whole Grain Breads.

I'm diving in.

So far so good. I have mostly been experimenting with sandwich breads (trying to get whole grain bread soft, light and airy).

Today I made a new bread. It's an adaptation of a recipe called "broom bread" (because it has so much fiber it really sweeps you out). It really does have an explosively high fiber content. It has whole wheat, rolled oats, oat bran, and flax seeds. I think a better name would be "super colon blow".

It tastes really good, though. And it looks cool too. Here are a couple of pictures.
Next time you visit I'll give you some.


Annalisa said...

The bread looks really tasty, but the name "super colon blow" is just a wee bit... intimidating.

Steve said...

That looks good enough to entice me to come to Kansas!

Greg said...

You should simply combine all your hobbies and build a Panara-like coffee and bread joint.
And since you are a professional hired holy man you could serve the Bread of Life along with the Colon Buster! (Make sure you give the bread of life first, though! You never can tell about those colon busters!)
I like this idea... :-)

John Buerger said...

I think bread making is for girls....

Okay...I don't really, but it was fun to write.

Mama Gail said...

I'll take mine with an espresso & a little less fiber, please.