Saturday, March 10, 2007

This good day

It's Saturday. I woke up this morning and realized I had nothing to do today. Nothing. No meetings, no projects, no ball games, no company coming over (which would require franic house cleaning). Nothing. Then the sun came out and the air warmed up. What a nice day. What an unexpected blessing this day has become. The windows are open; I can hear birds outside; I can feel the cool breeze. Downstairs, I can hear my daughters talking nicely to each other as they together straighten up their art supplies. Eerie.

This is that day we all long for when life takes over - when crisis hits - when our schedules leave us gasping for air. This type of day never seems to come, and then all of a sudden, there it is. Surprise.

The sad thing is this - it is already mid-aftenoon and I spent much of the morning fretting over things that were out of my control. I was also anxious that I wasn't getting anything done. I almost missed the blessings of this day. It almost came and went. I could have gone the entire day and not thanked God for his incredible love and grace toward me - all because I was too self-centered and preoccupied to notice it. And then, I would have gone on wondering when I would be able to have a stress free day to enjoy my family.

But I did notice it. It's not too late. I realize that God is equally praise worthy in times of struggle and pain and trial. However, as I read Scripture it seems that God also delights in giving good gifts, and today is one of those gifts. I think He wants me to be glad today. So, today I choose to. I know that everyone in my community is experiencing the blessing of this day (whether they are followers of Christ or not). I hope they too are recognizing God's goodness in it all and giving him praise. Sadly, I know that most aren't. But I will.

There is a song by Fernando Ortega in which he sings: "This good day, it is a gift from you. The world is turning in its place because you made it to. I lift my voice to sing a song of praise on this good day." Thank you Father for this good day.

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